My second comment regarding the Maine
Learning Results / Common Core State Standards deals with the loss of
focus on literature in high school English Language Arts classrooms. My
five years experience teaching ninth and tenth grade ELA as well as my
Master's in Literacy Education are the foundation for my concerns in
this area.
1) Of the highest concern for me is the
discussion of changing the percentages of fiction vs nonfiction found in
the introduction of the ELA standards. This material directly states
that the standards were adjusted to match the NAEP test. STANDARDIZED
curriculum should be crafted by local educators and scholars with input
from other members of the community including legislature, business,
and parents. Even for a test as highly regarded as the NAEP, it is
extremely bad form to teach to the test in such a manner.
Non-fiction instruction should be shared by all content area teachers,
each one specializing in the non-fiction of their content. The literacy
standards for grades 6-12 are separated into ELA and History/Social
Studies/Science/Technology. The document states that this split
"reflects the unique, time honored place of ELA teachers in developing
students' literacy skills while at the same time recognizing that
teachers in other areas must have a role in this development as well." I
have a Bachelors in English and a Master's in Literacy Education. I
can teach my students general skills for dealing with non-fiction.
However, it is the Science teacher who should be teaching students how
to read published studies, and the History teacher teaching students how
to read primary source documents, and the Art and Music teachers
teaching students how to read art reivews. I do not have training in
these fields. I do not often use these types of texts in my education,
career, or daily life. The experts on these texts should be the ones
teaching students how to read them most effectively. It would be
ludicrous to suggest that sonnets become the Math teacher's curriculum
or drama the Biology teacher's curriculum, so why is it alright to
thrust this content on the ELA teacher who has her own content and is
not an expert on these texts? Furthermore, secondary level ELA teachers
require degrees in English, not Literacy. A high school level ELA
teacher can teach from her experience as an excellent reader, but does
not necessarily have a single course on teaching reading because that
traditionally that has not been ELA content at the secondary level. A
Literacy Specialist is best suited to teach all content area teachers
how to teach students to read their specific content texts rather than
claiming the ELA teacher should be an expert on reading when her license
never required that training.
3) As mentioned above, the
ELA classroom has its own specific content, just as Biology, US
Hisotry, and Geometry do. Pushing more non-fiction lessens the focus on
literature content, which is the ELA teacher's sole responsibility to
teach. No other teacher is going to cover the areas the ELA teacher
must skip in order to spend more and more class time on non-fiction.
I've spoken with high school ELA teaches who no longer read novels,
poetry, or drama with their classes because of the non-fiction
requirements. While their students are reading literature
independently, there are few opportunities for the class to discuss
literature together. Texts explored together are reduced to short texts
that can be easily managed in a class period and easily focused on
specific standards. The "time-honored" practice of reading a canonical
work and experiencing it with ones peers is disappearing.
Too much focus on nonfiction in the ELA classroom marginalizes
literature in favor of career training, including all the non-testable
outcomes related to this content. Literature teaches much more than
what can be tested, or even what can be assessed in any manner with a
standard. Literature gives a generation a common cultural base. Think
of what we lose if suddenly a generation does not know Jay Gatsby,
Hester Prynne, Romeo and Juliet, Holden Caufield, Jane Eyre, Huck Finn?
Reading and discussing literature invites students to analyize their
history, their community, and themselves all the while teaching them the
collective lessons of humanity. That is not simply found in short
nonfiction passages seeking to teach author's purpose and supporting
details. While direct insruction with nonfiction might make for higher
test scores and might make stronger workers, is that all education is
for? Is public education simply a factory churning out global workers
for the 21st century? Or is education more than that? In my mind, it
is clear that education serves the full student, and while career
readiness is a large part of that, so is curiosity, civic duty, wonder,
beauty, passion, morals.
5) A focus on non-fiction
does nothing to make learning more student centered. If anything,
students have less choice in the texts they read and how they read
them. Students are no longer encouraged to fall into that magical space
between a novel's page and then emerge to excited to share that with
their peers. When every reading assignment becomes a nonfiction text
read using new criticism lens and a close reading approach, we ignore
not only other effective teaching methods and content, but also allow
students no choices in how to engage with a text.
I ask
you to keep ELA classrooms at the secondary level focused on the
traditional ELA content of literature and writing. If standards are
necessary to direct the reading of nonfiction for History, Social
Studies, Science, and Technology, then I suggest that a committee of
teachers of those subjects drafts standards for those content areas to
review and adopt to direct their instruction and curriculum.
I would further like to add that no standardized assessment, especially
the upcoming Smarter Balanced exam, will ever successfully assess how
reading literature and discussing it with peers affects students. SBAC
would prefer a narrowing of standards that only look at the correct
answers that can be found directly in text. That is not how literature
is meant to be experienced. Literary critics have debated over classics
for decades because of the very nature of literature and what it means
to individuals. And no test will ever measure what the right book can
do for the right student at the right time.
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