Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Horrible Day for All

A couple hours ago, I had a lot of will in me to write, but it has drained out of me as the night has worn on. I'll see if I can muster all my thoughts back up again

First, I want to start off by saying this: I wish that feeling empathy for the pain of others could make you feel less drained about your own lesser ordeals.

Today started out like a pretty good day around here. I read Natalie a bunch of books, she went down for a nap, we watched some Sesame Street. To get out of the house, we were going to go to the Shaws over by the Walmart instead of our usual one, just to change things up. But, there is a craft store right by there, so we took a minor detour there first so I could get some embroidery floss. I wanted to tighten the car seat straps for Natalie when we got back to the car, so I called Mike. While still on the phone with him, I go to start the car and it won't turn over. Now, about two months ago we had trouble with the battery, and that worked, but the engine wouldn't start. After making the usual calls, I then waited about 45 minutes for a tow truck to take me literally across the street to the dealership. I was glad there was no incident moving the car seat into the huge cab of the truck, though Natalie did cry when the driver looked her. There, I waited an hour for them to tell me the starter was gone. Luckily, Natalie slept while we waited for the tow, but I chased her around the whole dealership once we got there. She did very well and mangaged to not freak out until right when I was talking to the man about what needed to be done to the car. She freaked out because she wanted to wander off into an office where another man was on the phone and I wouldn't let her. I was told the car would be another hour. Natalie wasn't going to be able to deal with that, so after two more freakouts, we got our stroller and went outside. We went to Applebees where Natalie had some lunch at the late hour of 330. Then we went around Kmart for a little bit to ensure the car was done when we got back. This is not to mention that at some point Natalie pooped and I didn't have a second diaper to change her into. And it didn't help that unlike it has been, today it was hot enough in the sun to make me sweat every time we went out. All in all, we managed to get home around 430, both of us glad to be home.

So, this little trip to the store turned into a long, drawn out adventure. I think from now on I'll be stowing extra diapers and toys in the car.

As drained as I was by these events, I really have no reason to complain about my day. For several reasons.

First of all, after texting Mike with a status update on the car, he lets me know that his brother is in the hospital due to his high blood pressure. He did not have a heart attack, but had to stay over night for tests. This was very unsettling for everyone, but most so for his family at home.

Then, I got a call from a friend concerning a loss she has experienced. I know that she doesn't want to discuss it further, so I feel helpless about comforting her. I'll refrain from writing more about this here due to her wishes, though I've thought about her a lot this evening.

And then there is of course all those mourning for my former student who passed away. I watched a video someone complied showing all the wall posts to his FB page after his death, his classmates saying goodbye. Very touching. The one that got to me in particular was a student who said he was putting Madison's initials on his seatbelt. Also sweet was a girl who has already graduated offering to cut kids' hair with Madison's initials.

So, as I stated above, I still feel drained from my day, even though it pales in comparison to many others'.

Mike reminded me that they say things come in threes, so hopefully the rest of the week will show better, but I'm afraid of jinxing us.

Really the best thing about today was $1.50 Sesame Street books at the craft store.

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